CF du Nord - Paris Area Interlockings ca 1890 -

Cabine 4

Cabin manned by four signalmen, working six hour shifts during the day and an eight hour night shift.  During two hours two signalmen are on service, so that the box can be cleaned.

Cabin 4 is equipped with semaphores to protect the trains on the local lines (tramways).

Electric communications

Cabin 4 is in telephone connection with cabins 1, 2, 3, 9, postes F and H, poste Abis of the inner station, lampisterie (lampman's place) and Plaine Départ.

Cabin 4 communicates with poste F by tableaux de correspondence [train describer]. Before sending a train, engine och shunt move towards poste F, cabin 4 has to announce this by making the indicator (voyant) appear.  When poste F is prepared  to receive the train etc, it makes the indicator disappear. Movements from poste F are announced to cabin 4 in a similar way.  The table reproduced below shows the train describer indications:

The block section can be manually released by commutateurs de désolidarisation when trains, engines or shunt moves do not pass on to the block post in advance, but for instance are going to stabling sidings.   


The lever for signal 47 in cabin 4 is normally in the off position, but the signal is held in the on position by lever 2 in poste Abis of La Chapelle [slotting].  Before making a movement in the direction of poste Abis, the signalmen in cabin 4 are to demand authorisation from poste Abis by telephone.  Poste Abis gives this autorisation by manipulating lever 3 Safety-lock.  For movements in the other direction, the signalman of Poste Abis has to demand authorisation from cabin 4. After having obtained this authorisation, he may manipulate lever 3 Safety-lock.

Working in fog or falling snow

The signalmen of poste sémaphorique 3bis (Cabine 4) have to keep signals 12 and 48 (equipped with detonators) in the stop position when the corresponding semaphore (block signal) is on.  [poste sémaphorique 3bis perhaps referred to the block post function of cabin 4?]

CF du Nord interlockings



Last update 2007-08-30