Saxby and Farmer


Detail of trade mark

John Saxby startade sin firma för signalutrustning på 1850-talet. Farmer blev delägare några år senare. Det är inte känt om Saxby levererat utrustning till järnvägar i Sverige, men i SJK arkiv finns en katalog från 1889. Katalogen har vid okänd tidpunkt gallrats ut av SJ.

Här återges några avsnitt ur katalogen.

A few excerpts from a Saxby and Farmer's catalogue from 1889:



Messrs SAXBY & FARMER, Limited, acknowledge with gratitude the encouragement and support they have received from Railway Administrators of all classes, and to whom in return they have the greatest satisfaction in pointing out the now almost total immunity from that class of accidents preventible by the use of their Safe  Appliances.                                                                                
The words used by Samuel Laing, Esq., M.P., the Chairman of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway, at a General Meeting held 24th January, 1883, are an eloquent testimony in that regard:-

"We have adopted all the modern improvements; the Block System, the Westinghouse Brake, Interlocking Points and Signals, &c, and I believe the Official Returns show that we have been among the first, if not the very first, of great Railway Companies in carrying out the recommendations of the Board of Trade. The result is that we have reduced preventible accidents to a minimum, and have for a long time past been singularly free from serious accidents to our Trains."

Lord Colville of Culross, the noble Chairman of the Great Northern Railway Company, gave handsome and similar testimony to the merits of these inventions.   Speaking to the Shareholders, he said:—

 " Many of you gentlemen, no doubt, who live in London and the neighbourhood of London, will recollect what a miserable season we have had, and what an amount of fog of the densest possible description; but during the whole of that period our train service has been carried on with perfect immunity from accident. (Hear, hear.) I may say that that speaks very well for the excellent management by our officers and servants in the control and in the running of our trains. (Hear, hear.) But their efforts have been very much aided—and I wish to say publicly that I think we are very much indebted to those most useful inventions the lock and block systems and the continuous brake. (Hear, hear.) They cost us an enormous sum of money between them, but I think it has been money extremely well spent."— Vide Report of Half-yearly Meeting, King's Cross, 20th February, 1880.

And again, later, (1888j, the Chairman of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, George John Armytage, Esq., bore similar testimony. At the Autumn Half-Yearly Meeting he congratulated the Shareholders that every inch of their Line was complete with the Block System and Signals interlocked, and every Carriage was fitted  with an Automatic Brake, the  result  being a great  decrease in  compensation paid  to Passengers, and he assured the Shareholders that their money was much more economically spent in the adoption of Safety Applicances than in compensation.

Finally, as regards the LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN  COMPANY--our greatest supporter and patrons in the past--although we have no particular words to quote of the Chariman--Sir RICHARD MOON,BART,--or of the GENERAL MANAGER, Mr. G. FINDLAY, there is the eloquent though silent testimony of the fact that the L.&N.W. was one of the first of the great railways to adopt and to thoroughly complete the equipment of their enormous system with Lock and Block and other Safety Applicances, in which regard the stand to-day in perfected security, enjoying an immunity from Train Accidents simply marvellours.



Union of Lock and Block

Block Instruments, Facing Point Locks, Level Crossing Gates & c.

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